In the middle of January, we start getting antsy. It's frigid, not just cold. It's icy, not just snowy. So we pull out all the stops when looking at outings. R and I saw that Hagley Museum was hosting its annual Invention Convention. I thought M would go bananas to be allowed to use real tools to dismantle actual appliances. And he was excited, but bananas? Not really.
The girls on the other hand spent 45 minutes intensely focused on disassembling a sewing machine. They each found a spool of white thread forgotten in the depths of the machine and promptly pocketed them to "do something with later." They were like mad scientists.

We left shortly after a chemistry demonstration scared the heck outta them. Small room + loud chemical reaction = unhappy Salad. R and I took them out for Mexican food on our way home and the 3 of them formulated a plan to blow up lots of balloons to decorate for the "birthday party" when we got home. Whose party, I wondered? Nobody's, they answered mysteriously.
They really got into it, asking for streamers and to make party hats. It kept them busy for well over an hour, playing so nicely that as a reward, I got out our party plates and lit a candle for them to blow out on their fruit bars.

Why can't peace always come this easily?
Oh well, off to sing happy birthday to nobody.
I gotta remember this decorating thing for days when everyone needs something fun/different to do :)