But let's talk about those things later and focus now on the things M proclaimed as "Awesome!"
1. The street sweeper in the hotel parking lot.
2. The straw dispenser.
3. Calling his sisters from the hotel phone in Grammy and Poppy's adjoining room.
Forget about the "magical experience" Disney professes your children will have as they see fireworks boom over the Epcot lake. For us, those fireworks happened 2.5 hours after our bedtime, when it was "too dark" and "too loud" according to S. She demanded to watch the show with my hands over her ears.
On our 3rd day, we visited Animal Kingdom. It was the coolest "zoo" ever. We took a safari. We saw a baby elephant. It smelled. The rhinos smelled worse. We touched a snake. It was super much fun. In the afternoon, the Salad played "Whack-a-mole." It was so hot. They were so tired. They kept missing those crafty moles by a split second. They played for 6 minutes before any of them hit a mole, scoring a measly 10 points. They had to make it to 150 points before anyone won. A realized they had a long way to go. She started sobbing, banging the same mole hole over and over again, moaning that the bat was too heavy. The girl working the game stared at A with a sad look, clutching her heart, shouting words of encouragement. I stood behind A and laughed at the hilarity of it all. It may have been my favorite Disney moment.
After a dinner at an "African" buffet, we saw a 4" long lizard on a table outside of the restaurant. The Salad tried to pet it. I think they scared and/or confused it. The lizard jumped from the chair onto M's forehead. It took refuge behind M's right ear, clinging to it with his tail. M was simultaneously thrilled and terrified, red-faced, laughing and screaming to get the "yizard" off. I couldn't help, because again, I was laughing too hard.
Something is wrong with me.
And even though S was too short by 1/8" to ride Test Track, she probably had the best time. Ironically, she was the one most resistant to the trip before we left, telling anyone who would listen that she was "a little scared of the characters." And yet, when she saw them - say, in a parade - she waved her little hands wildly, screaming for whoever it was, blowing kisses, grabbing my shirt to shout in my face "They saw me! They waved right at me! They LOVE me!"
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