Friday, August 24, 2012

Night at the Museum

Original post written on July 15, 2012

We began our day early at the Eastern Market. Apparently it’s a Sunday morning must-do in Washington, when in Rome and all. We’re lucky to be here in the height of produce season, fresh fruits and veggies at every turn. And free “stamples” at almost every booth, as the Salad was thrilled to discover. We stopped at each booth and estimate that M ate 3 whole tomatoes and 1 whole peach.

We took a quick afternoon swim and ate an early dinner. R suggested that we take advantage of the American Museum of Natural History's extended summer hours, so we arrived around 6:00PM. We headed to the Hall of Human Evolution. The Salad was fascinated by the busts of Homo sapiens throughout the years. I gave them my camera and let them pass it among the 3 of them when they saw something interesting. Here’s a conversation M and I had:

M: Mommy, can I have the camera?

Me: Sure, buddy. Why? Do you see something you want to take a picture of?

M: Yes. See that statue? I need to take 2 pictures of it.

Me: Two? Why two?

M: Yep. One of the front and the other of the hiney. That’s what I’ve been doing. Taking pictures of all the bottoms.

For your viewing pleasure, may I present “The Homo sapien’s Hiney.”


  1. "Taking pictures of all the bottoms"!! I just love it. It reminds me of the morning of the royal wedding, I had the TV on and the kids were watching it for a few minutes here and there. It was a point where nothing much was going on and Liam pipes in to talk about the horse tails and how funny they are. The boys then spent several minutes laughing about the horses' tails. I have no idea why this was so funny to them but they cracked up.

    I love reading about all the cool adventures you had in DC. I'm sure it wasn't entirely easy to be away from home but I'll bet that some great memories were made :)

  2. god I love this!!!!!
