I was in the kitchen when A asked me "What r u do-ning, Mommy?" I told her what I was do-ning was filling their cups with water. She went to the fridge and pulled out the V8 juice. I said we could put in a small splash and she questioned me with "big juice?"
During a torrential downpour this evening, M looked out the window and pointed to the "big rain." M promptly shouted, "Go away, raining!" (his version of the "Rain, rain, go away, come again another day" song.)
When I praised M for eating all of his mac & cheese at dinner, S sadly looked at her full plate and told me she still had "big mac & cheese left."
Hmmm? What's that?
S has big stickers covering her belly button?
Huh. I hadn't noticed.
your sweet ones are BIG cute. :)