Monday, April 16, 2012

Frogs and Toads Together

We spent a perfect morning at Glen Providence Park with playgroup.  We chose there because it was close to 90 degrees today and we knew we could wade in the many streams and ponds.  Nature did not disappoint.  We caught about 5 frogs (well, really 4 toads and 1 frog - we jumped on my handy dandy smart phone to research the difference and observe the characteristics right then and there!), 20 tadpoles, 1 fish and a close call with a water snake.  Everyone who wanted held the obliging toads, though one surprised A as it tried to wiggle free and she . . . well . . . kind of . . . threw it.  And then it . . . kind of . . . somersaulted . . . down a hill . . . toward a stream.  We watched it swim away, so the other thing we learned about toads is that they are pretty resilient.      
After 3 hours exploring, we packed up and headed home for some quiet time.  When A laid her head down on my pillow, she sighed a contented sigh and said "Mommy, you make the best days."

No, baby girl, you make my days the best.

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