Sunday, July 3, 2011

When Body Paint makes you Thankful for your Husband

Due to scheduling conflicts this week, Messy Art Monday was switched to Tuesday.  It worked out well for us, especially since our regular story time was cancelled Tuesday.  This week was probably the truest definition of the phrase "messy art".  Body paint - made of cornstarch, some kind of lotion, and neon food coloring. 
Once again, many small children fixated on me, so I ended up with painted flip flops, toes, feet, legs, left forearm, both cheeks, chin and forehead. 
While the kids rinsed the paint off in a sprinkler, I noticed that when the paint dried, it started itching.  I scrubbed the majority of it off with wipes, though, the blue seemed to . . . ahem . . . stain my face.  Just a bit.  But enough to once again be thankful that R works hard enough that I get to stay home with the Salad.  'Cause, there is no way I could have gone to work with seemingly bruised cheeks. 

Later, I bent down to itch something on my leg and noticed that I had missed a streak of purple paint.  Though, I also noticed how incredibly smooth my calves felt.  Note to self - find out what kind of lotion Miss Amy used.         

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